

Red | 18 | They/Them

“Don’t worry, I’ve got e-everything under control!”

Red is the oldest of the four, having just turned 18. Ever since a young age, Red’s had a lot of high expectations to live up to; helping Nana to raise their younger siblings, working hard to keep their family’s home afloat, and preparing for their spacer graduation that will launch them into adulthood. It’s all left Red feeling a bit… high-strung.

And a little anxious.

Not to mention nervous.

Maybe even wee bit terrified!

But as always, when the goin’ gets tough for Red, the tough Red gets goin’. They manage to keep a level-head, even if their heart isn’t fully convinced, and it’s enough to trick themselves and others around them into making them believe they know exactly what they’re doing.

Red is well-liked by many residents of the farming outpost they grew up on, but often feels a bit overwhelmed from the popularity of being the kid of some of the greatest Spacers in the galaxy.

Their favorite places to be is away from the crowds and people, usually helping Grag or in other isolated places among nature where they don’t have to think about all the big things in life.

And sometimes, in those quiet places, surrounded by nothing but the stars above and the artificial planet’s earth below, as long as no one else is around, you might hear them singing a song...


Yellow | 10 | They/Them

“Hi, hi, hi! Wanna see all the cool bugs I found today? No? That’s okay, more snacks for me!”

Yellow is the youngest and adopted sibling out of the four, having just had their 10th birthday a few months before Red’s.

One night, 10 years ago, an egg was brought to the farming outpost home, from a distant, sulfuric planet that was set on a collision course with it’s own destruction.

Nothing was known about the life on the surface, and this giant egg was one of the only things that was rescued from the planet’s doom.

After weeks of determined incubation and careful observation, the egg began to hatch, and boy did Yellow know how to make an entrance. They came out of the egg clawing, scratching, and screaming at everything in sight. It really took a while to help reel in this feral star-child.

With gentleness and care, Yellow slowly became the sweet, silly little scamp that you see today. But they never truly lost their wild side. Sometimes, late at night, you may see a pair of glowing eyes in the darkness, in the corners of your room, hanging from the ceiling. Watching.

In addition to having avian-like qualities, Yellow possesses unique abilities in which they can alter their genetic state, changing their form slightly and are able to mimic sounds they hear quite accurately.

They are pretty self conscious about these traits, however, from being teased for their appearance and behavior by others in their small community when they were younger, and now they often mask in an effort to try to blend in when they’re out and about.


Blue | 16 | They/Them

“If it ain’t broke, take it apart, figure out how it works, add a few particle collider warp drive engines to it, and BOOM! It's fixed.”

The middle child between Red and White at age 16.

Blue’s natural gift of understanding the inner mechanisms of complex technical constructs was proven at the young age of 5, when they successfully constructed their own high-speed hover vehicle out of an old vacuum and discarded transport ship parts. It was quickly followed by a minor explosion when colliding into an abandoned water processing plant, which left a sector of the farming community without fresh water for several days.

However that never stopped them from continuing to build and experiment. To this day, their favorite thing to do is collect scrap parts from old farming equipment and machines that no longer serve any function, and turn them into something fantastic and new. Blue is constantly inventing, planning, and has a hunger for knowledge that can never be satiated.

When Blue isn’t busy at their workbench or working on the underbelly of a new invention, they like to spend their time exercising and training their body by running laps around the farms, listening to motivational speeches, and whipping up tasty meals in the kitchen.

They are currently studying to graduate from the Spacer Program early, in hopes to work among the top engineers in distant Futuron facilities.


White | 14 | They/Them

“Do you have any idea who you’re up against!?”

White is the second youngest of the four siblings at 14.

They were born on a triple full-moon night where the stars came together to create the one-in-a-billion-years-occurring constellation of a the Great Flying Sqoadrak throwing a dying star into the heart of the universe. Which sounds pretty cool, but has nothing to do with the story.

White is a hot-headed, rambunctious, and loud-mouthed little urchin, but deep down, everyone knows they’re a softie... And also very afraid of most everything.

They get in fights often, though it’s often because they have difficulty finding the right words to say, and an even more difficult time saying sorry. But when they do, it kind of sounds something like: “Hey, I drew this for you,” or a “Wanna watch some Galaxy Warrior?”.

But as far as White’s concerned, their destiny is being in the spotlight before thousands of adoring fans.

If only they could get over their horrible stage fright first.




Who could this be?


Nana | She/Her

“Now, now. If you don’t finish all your veggies you won’t grow up big and strong! Nor be getting any any dessert!”

Nana is a kind-hearted, elderly Padagon who works as the primary caretaker of the 4 young spacers stationed on the farming outpost.

Padagons her age usually enjoy luxurious retirements on warm, sandy beaches in planets far, far away… but Nana could never settle down for that kind of lifestyle. She loves to keep busy, constantly working, and is often doing her chores around the house while humming a little tune.

For generations, she’s been a primary caretaker for many young Spacers whose families are frequently away on their missions. She was the one who raised the kid’s parents, and their parents before that. Her age is a mystery, and she’ll laugh before glaring you down if you ask her that question.

Everything Nana does, she does it with love. She may become snappy at times, but her love for the kids is never-ending. Nana has never left the star sector she lives on now, but if need be, she would journey to the ends of the universe to protect those she loves.

If you ever visit, make sure to try some of her galaxy-famous Crutton! It’s sure to please!


Grag | He/Him

“This isn’t a space race, young one. Slow down and smell the flowers often.”

Grag has seen many stars rise and set in his time; he says it’s a sight he’ll never stop loving.

He grew up around nature and working on the farms, and has a magnificent green thumb with a knack for growing beautiful flowers and tasty fruits and vegetables. In the past, he used to travel to neighboring ports and stations of commerce to sell his prized produce and was even a bit famous for it for a time.

These days, he’s returned home and used the earnings he made from those sales to buy his own private plot of land to continue doing what he loves, but this time he’s not in it for the money.

Grag, though quiet in his ways, is good friends with the locals, sharing with them his tastiest harvests, and is quite a grandfather figure to many. He appreciates Red’s help, and the company, as he’s getting a bit old to do much heavy work or traveling. His old Padagon bones just aren’t what they used to be.

In his past time, when he’s not tending to his plants, he enjoys the hobby of whittling, and has been trying to make his own collection of little wooden dolls for children, and adults alike, to enjoy.


Parents | He/Him , She/Her

“Make us proud, we believe in you.”

Though they may be some of the most renowned spacers in the galaxy, very little is ever revealed about their personal lives. The fact that they have a family on a rather insignificant farming outpost is hardly known to others.

Ever since the children were young, their parents have been distant, as they constantly focused on their work and away from home. The two of them did try to visit for at least once a year, bringing with them tales and treasures from worlds beyond the farming outpost.

Residents of the outpost would hear wild stories, of intense battles and heroic adventures, but not much else was known.

The parents claim that they want their family out of the spotlight, because they don’t want to drown them in unnecessary attention from the greater public… but perhaps they are protecting them from something else.

But for how much longer?