SPACEPALS: The Light Catcher Chronicles...

Group a comic that is inspired by the world of early-era LEGO Space sets, factions, and minifigures!

The story follows four siblings (and later, an abandoned robot!) (all inspired by the first "Classic Space" LEGO Minifigures), who only ever knew life on a humble farming outpost planet. Their parents are some of the most famous spacers in the galaxy, piloting the legendary Galaxy Explorer.

Red, our main protagonist for the first episode, has no intentions of following in their footsteps... but comes to find that they are cast for a role much larger than anything they've ever known, siblings included.

This is a story of found-family, unraveling mysteries, and exploring the never-ending world of LEGO Space. The journey has only just begun!

This webcomic updates in chapters as I complete them!

About the Author

My name is Eniko/Angel. Pencil-Chewer, Educator, Forever Playing with my Toys and Coloring.

Spacepals started nearly a decade or so ago. I really got into LEGO Space when I entered my 20's and stumbled through college, depression, and back again through all the ups and downs of life.

These characters have been journeying alongside me through some of my most difficult times. You can see the style changing throughout, and there's not a whole lot to show for the given time, but there's never a time I'm not thinking of them.

Any normal person would tell you to never start with your epic saga as your first project. However that's what I did! Is it hard to stick to it? Kind of. Things happen and I have doubts. But I always, always come back to Spacepals. I can't give up on this story and this world! Not until it's finished to the end.

Updates will be sporadic for sure. I draw and ink the main pages by hand, and color digitally because for some reason, that's the only way it feels right to me. I can always feel comfort in that kind of method, story, and characters that came to me initially, it's a source of stability in a turbulant world.

I hope you enjoy the story I've created and art I have to show so far, thank you for reading, and I'm glad you're here.
